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SQL Backup Master Help

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Restoring a SQL Server database from backup requires three steps.


To execute these steps from within SQL Backup Master, see the Recovering a database help topic. You can also restore manually (outside of SQL Backup Master).


1. Restore the Full Backup


Recovering a SQL Server database always begins with this step. Restore the latest full database backup available.


Note that this step cannot be skipped. For example, a differential SQL Server backup cannot be restored without first restoring the full backup upon which it is based.


If you're only taking a full backups then no further steps are required.


2. Restore the Latest Differential Backup


Each SQL Server differential backup is   cumulative - it contains all changes since the last full backup. For this reason, there is never a need to restore more than one differential backup (the most recent one).


So, restore only the most recent differential backup taken since the last full backup.


3. Restore Transaction Log Backups


Transaction log backups are available only when SQL Server is configured to use the full or bulk-logged recovery model.


If you're taking log backups, you'll need to restore each transaction log backup (in order) that's newer than the previously-restored full or differential backup. Continue with this process until you reach the final, fully restored state.