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SQL Backup Master provides reporting capabilities that facilitate understanding and management of SQL Server backup operations. For example, they can help you validate backup coverage and system resource availability.


To begin, select the Reporting tab in the SQL Backup Master main window. You'll be presented with a listing of available reports, which you can either view immediately or schedule for later execution.


Report Types


Primary Reports


Backup summary - Reports summary, status, and storage information for each enabled backup. Includes next and last run times.

Backup history - Reports full backup execution history. See global options to configure backup history data retention.

Backup schedule - Reports execution plan for each scheduled backup. Spans one full backup period (or a minimum of ten entries).

Backup destinations - Reports on backup destinations (including retention, storage, and emergency backup settings) for each enabled backup.

Backups by average duration - Reports average duration for each backup based on history. See global options to configure backup history data retention.

SQL instance coverage - Reports summary information for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.


SQL Server System Reports


SQL Server database file sizes - Reports database file sizes (and paths) for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.

SQL Server latest full backups - Reports on latest full database backups for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.

SQL Server memory usage - Reports memory usage for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup. Requires SQL Server 2008 or later. *

SQL Server recovery models - Reports database recovery models (simple, full, or bulk-logged) for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.

SQL Server free disk space - Reports free fixed disk space for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.

SQL Server backup history - Reports recent (30-day) backup history for each SQL Server instance associated with a backup.


* The memory usage report requires SQL Server 2008 or later. All other reports work with SQL Server 2005 or later.


SQL Server Connections


Many (but not all) of the reports available through SQL Backup Master require a connection to SQL Server. In such cases, the connection is established using the authentication information associated with the backup jobs. For example, if you have a backup job that connects to SQL Server using Windows authentication, those same credentials will be used to query report data for that job.


Authenticating with an account that is a member of the SQL Server sysadmin role will ensure access to the data required to construct any report.


Viewing Reports


The SQL Backup master report viewer offers a range of useful capabilities via its toolbar. For example, you can print, export, or search the report contents.


Related topic: Scheduling reports